Each set of facts which may or may not support spousal support is very different and it is important to have a local family law attorney advise you about what is best done in your case. Spousal support (alimony) amounts may also be modified. An existing agreement or court order
may need review and updating due to changes in circumstance such as in employment or financial condition.
Spousal support is an issue resulting when two spouses separate their finances. The two parties may completely disagree on the amount that should be paid to the other or their understanding of the purpose for the support or how to calculate “income.” Either party may be eligible for spousal support in California upon certain conditions. It is important to contact a spousal support attorney in your local area. Some aspects taken into consideration by the court when setting
long-term spousal support are:
- The duration of the marriage.
- The income of each party.
- How bills incurred during the marriage were paid in the past.
- Health and age of each partner.
- Requisite expenses of each partner.
- Whether children are still living at home.
Temporary spousal support is set pursuant to California Guidelines as calculated by a computer program.

Ms. Ferrante has been practicing family law and probate which includes the subject matters highlighted in this website, for over 25 years in the same geographical area. This has allowed her to develop a familiarity with the respective judges and a rapport with court staff. This is important for the ease and successful handling of your case.
Learn More“What other attorneys did not accomplish in one year, Christina did in 90 days! I am now happily living in my home again which is 100% mine as well as owning 100% of my business.”
- Dr. Steve

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