Legal Separation Attorney in Rancho Cucamonga
A legal separation is an action similar to a dissolution of the marriage (divorce) but the parties are not free to remarry at conclusion of it. There may be several reasons why parties would choose to proceed in this manner. One could be for religious reasons. Another so that health insurance can be maintained for an ailing partner. The processes are the same in that property and debt are divided and a judgment signed by the court formally separates the parties’ financial responsibilities. The issues with a legal separation are the same as those in a divorce. Who is going to takeover and pay the mortgage? Which party will pay which credit cards and how will this impact the credit ratings? Will one of the individuals receive spousal support? What will be the division of responsibility for the children? All of these issues can get resolved and worked out in a legal separation agreement with the help of an experienced family law attorney such as myself. An attorney will eliminate the necessity of the two spouses dealing with each other under a very stressful and emotional time. It is important that the lawyer you choose has your best interests as the main focus.
Call Christina Ferrante, Attorney at Law for a free 30 minute consultation about your situation or send us a message online to get started.

Ms. Ferrante has been practicing family law and probate which includes the subject matters highlighted in this website, for over 25 years in the same geographical area. This has allowed her to develop a familiarity with the respective judges and a rapport with court staff. This is important for the ease and successful handling of your case.
Learn More“What other attorneys did not accomplish in one year, Christina did in 90 days! I am now happily living in my home again which is 100% mine as well as owning 100% of my business.”
- Dr. Steve

Call 909-317-3213
We are happy to speak to you about your issues during a phone consultation. We are warm, caring, experienced and accomplished. Please call us, we look forward to speaking with you.